The Bierstadt Brothers' Catalogue of Photographs (1860) contained 52 stereoscopic views of the 'Far West', including 'at least sixteen pictures of Shoshone, Sioux and Cheyenne subjects." (Sandweiss, Print the Legend: Photography and the American West; p 139).
Here's a tantalising partial list:
53. Oglala Sioux, Fort Laramie, NA. 52.
Colonel lander's train. 53. Emigrant Train St. Joseph, MO. 58. Cheyanne Village,
Platte River, Na. 63. Bellemont Ferry-Boat, Kansas. 64. Devils Gate from above,
Nebraska. 65. Market Place, St Joseph, Mo. 66. Shoshone warrior. 67. St. Joseph,
Mo. 69. Salt River Valley. 72. Sioux village near Fort Laramie, Nebraska. 73.
Study of horses, Missouri. 75. Devils Gate, passage of the Sweet River,
Nebraska. 77. Part of Colonel Landers men. 81. Emigrants waiting for the ferry,
St. Joseph, Mo. 82. Shanty in Bellemont, Kansas. 83. Ford of the Big Blue,
Kansas. 84. Bellemont, Kansas. 85. Unpacking Indian goods, Nebraska. 86. Waiting
for the ferry, St. Joseph, Mo. 87. Bellemont, Missouri river, Kansas. 88.
Emigrant train on the big sandy river, Oregon. 89. Near Troy Kansas. 90.
Shoshone children, Nebraska. 91. Ferry on the Big Blue, Kansas. 92. Ford of the
Little Blue, Kansas. 93. Log cabin, Kansas. 94. Oglala Sioux, Horse Creek,
Nebraska. 95. Indian Pony, Kansas. 96. Wolf River ford, Kansas. 97. Shoshone
Indians, Nebraska. 98. Oglala sioux village, North fork of the Platte, Nebraska.
99. Sioux lodge, Nebraska. 101. Shoshone family, Nebraska. 102. Sioux Indians,
Nebraska. 103. Warrior. 106. U.S. train in camp, Nebraska. 107. Shoshone
warriors mounted, Nebraska. 116, Shoshone guide, Nebraska. 118. Indian
interpreter, Nebraska. 119. Emigrants traveling on the plains, Nebraska. 122.
Oglala Sioux, the Indian Queen, Nebraska. 123. Colonel's ambulance on
the plains, Nebraska. 124. Culinary art on the plains, Nebraska. 125. Cottonwood
trees, near Boiling Springs. Nebraska. 126. Cottonwood springs, Platte river,
Nebraska. 128. Colonel's men among the Rocky Mountains. 131. Shoshone village,
Nebraska. 132. Train camping on the Colorado. 134. Pikes Peak emigrants, St
Joseph, Mo. 138. Rocky Mountain trapper.