Interview from the Meany Papers:
Pine Ridge, S.D. 10 VII [July] 1907
John Monroe, Interpreter
Red Cloud
All these things used to belong to me. Now I turn them all over to my son Jack.
Through wars amongst ourselves we get great honors and become great men.
I am old now but men come and pay me ten dollars but you may pay me $4.00.
Seventeen years of age when he first went into battle. I took that war party out. From the edge of the fight it was as far to the Boarding School. They killed 8 and he took one scalp -- Pawnees.
They went there again and he was in the party. They killed three.
They started again. They killed 80 Pawnees. Age of 15 then. In that fight he took two scalps and shot one in privates.
Fight with Shoshones killed 2 of them one had a war bonnet that went clear down his back and one had no war [bonnet] but he grabbed him by the hair, dragged him little ways and scalped him.
He has fought with all kinds of Indians but he has not found any of them bravest. He fought Crows, he killed 10 and chased them into their lodges.
They never have chased him yet.
Party of Sioux started a war against the Crows. When they got close to them he went ahead on foot and about daylight he saw a Crow bringing out his horse to graze. He charged on Crow with arrows shot and killed him, took his horses and clothes and started back towards his men. [In margin:] He took Crow's own knife and stabbed him to death.
Started to run and Crows got after him and chased him to where his men were. There they had big fight all day long. He had the big scalp against his belly.
Crow stole his horses at night so he followed trail all night and daylight caught up. Crow who was driving horses was only few yards away, so when he saw this Crow he took aim and shot him and started towards him and jumped on him, took Crow's knife, stabbed him and scalped him.
Started in the morning but only stayed until sundown and came back.
Got name for being good warrior. His father had same name and so he got same. [In margin:] His own name was Two Arrows before his father died.
Only saw Sitting Bull one season and they were friends. Sitting Bull gave him a horse and food and treated him well.
Before he went on fasting he dreamed such things but one day's fasting.
Na chili his brother in law gave him medicine tied up in little buckskin. Before starting to war he took this medicine and rubbed himself all over.
Eagle feather small one and eagle plume. His medicine went all over the world.
Two Arrows
Wan-num pa
Pine Ridge, S.D. 10 July 1907
The above design was drawn by Jack Red Cloud and the name Two Arrows, by which Chief Red Cloud was known before his father's death, was conferred upon Edmond S. Meany in our presence by the said Chief Red Cloud on this day.
Alexander B. Upshaw (Crow)
John Monroe (Oglala Sioux)
Man Above
Jack Red Cloud
His medicine drawn by himself.
Edward Curtis' portrait of Red Cloud.